Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time Is At Standstill

I cannot even dare think, 
So in my dreams I sink, 
Because a month is still left, 
Before we will be again met, 
Time seems to stop by, 
I do not want but am compelled to cry, 
In your jolly memory, 
Which is now my only itenary, 
What you are I do not fully know, 
Before I could, I had to face the snow, 
And when I came out you were gone, 
For a month for me to moan, 
The greatest gloomliness I can feel, 
As you know, my heart is not made of steel, 
My heart, like others is brittle, 
Even though I am a boy, there are tears little, 
That without break all day flow, 
Which to save honour I have to swallow, 
You are not in my sight, 
So considering my plight, 
I should not worry much, 
As it is just a matter of a month, 
But I refuse to accept this thing, 
And still dream of giving you the ring, 
In my hands I have taken the quill, 
To make the time move from the standstill.

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