Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Name

Mistakes on my part are none but few,
Although they always keep on appearing anew,
Having broken my heart again & again,
And keeping me in your memories but in vain,
Swiftly taking all my peace away,
Where they go I don't know even today,
Eagerly I try to amend them every time,
To undo their harm, and to make you mine,
As I love you more than the world can know,
Cheering with you to any place I may go,
Having you by my side, I can make every impossible possible,
As long as the distance from you can keep me sane,
Tomorrow what happens, I will never care,
Trust me, if you by me will always be there,
Eerie they seem, the nights that are dark,
Reaping inside them secrets, who knows what in them lurk,
Jeer they a lot, making me insane,
Every time I feel I may never see you again,
Each day passes, making your absence more grave,
I deceit you not, please don't think me as knave,
Leaving you I can never actually live,
Over & over, I want you to forgive,
Vast is my heart, deeper than the sea,
Easily so my feelings, you can no doubt see,
You don't know why I wrote this for you right?
Of course, these types of poems came never in your sight,
Until this moment, when you will finally know,
That this is just the beginning, and the ending of all the sorrow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Returning From The Crossing

I never thought life would turn around,
To face the one I thought had left long ago,
To see you who brought me the feeling of first love around,
When we had been together for a short time, very long ago...

I had cherished the time spent with you each day,
Sitting with you for hours that passed too quickly,
Until our paths diverged and took us away,
And we too followed them quite blindly...

Today after so many years when we met,
It felt too good to be true again,
And no wonder my eyes got so wet,
As tears flowed abounter than the rain...

I lived again, although had been breathing for long,
The gaps of all the time closing in moments but a few,
I at last reckoned that I had been wrong,
I lamented that I should have always expressed my love to you...

I couldn't believe our lives had crossed this way,
And can't believe it till this moment too,
That when I said too you what I had always wanted to say,
You said you had always wanted to say that too...

I want to leave this crossing today,
Leaving you so that I could get back to the past,
So that I wouldn't have to leave you anyway,
Then today would never arrive so fast...

I really wish to return to those days again,
When our paths shared the same lane,
The time when there was happiness and no pain,
But I can't, and now nothing but memories remain...