Today is the math's exam,
Due to which many cram, I have learnt all the figures, So that I can face the tigers, In the battle of numbers, The prizes are ambers, I have prepared well, But you are prepared like hell, I cannot compete you anyway, The figures & numbers are enjoying their way, The world is now digital, There are very few petal, But thanks to god you are the one, Wait a second, I am not done, I still have to tell, Why before you I knel, You I saw as infinity, And that too with full symmetry, The highest of all, Than the Niagara fall, The relation of our, Is quite sour, Because it is not a function, It's only my love's junction, I will keep trying, In spite of all the wrying, To know why I am crying, I am really not trying, The numbers are all against me, The odds are my destiny, We revolve round the number, From VIPs to plumber, I wish you all the best, Free from all pest, I will save you from the bombers, There will be only figures & numbers.
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