Monday, August 19, 2019


Dancing in the shadows, waiting for the rain,
Enamoured with vain, the jolly enigmatic pain,
Eschewing darkness, her light dispelling gloom,
Prattling in silence, prancing thorns of bloom,
In this esoteric reality, where's to find a way?
Kindness in paucity, has humanity lost away?
And she remains in the shadows, her thoughts searching for a home.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


My beloved, of once, I write these lines,
To be a sailing blotch, for endless times.

Bloomed from nothing, a pasture not rot,
Lovely in quietus, who would have thought?

A repeat akin to möbius, obviliously inveigled,
Empressed lead spuriously, behind by the dead.

Today, tomorrow, yesterday, all same,
A puzzlement in time, a dangerous game.

Numbness can be ignored, closed can the senses be,
So what if none can escape, each heart's esteemed melody?

Yes an empty shell, of glee and furthermore no agony,
Incredulous? Ah! Ahoy, I do dare you to stop me.

Broken gets the band, the jingles cease to rain,
Yet the drizzling drops, keep betraying their pain.

A line like a circle, these last two lines do fill,
For sometimes the inks of errors, do not want to heal.